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Shortcuts Eclipse

mercredi 14 janvier 2009, par bvlbourse

Eclipse shortcuts that you should use each day :
In java perspective : ctrl + shift + R : find a class or file (use camel notation : to find TotoIsBack, type TIB)

ctrl + shit + G when cursor on a method or class : find usage

ctrl + shift + O : organize imports (cut unused imports)

ctrl + shift + F : format code

ctrl + o : open a popup with the list of methods in the class

ctrl + F6 : open a popup with the list of opened files

ctrl + F7 : open a popup with the list of views

ctrl + F8 : open a popup with the list of perspectives

alt + shift + J : when on a method signature or a class member or a type declaration, generates a minimal javadoc

alt + shift + R : when on an name, renames it with refactoring

alt + shift + T : call the refactoring popup menu

F4 : when on an interface declaration, opens the hierachy view ; then you have the implementations of the interface

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